About Us

First of all we thank you for visiting Fisticuff Gamer & we’ll hope that you will keep in touch with us further. Fisticuff Gamer is a daily newspaper for all your gaming needs. We are covering each and everything that happening in the gaming world & IT industry. Such as Latest news, gaming hardware info, game reviews, popular events in the year and articles for improve gaming knowledge with much more. In here we are trying to create a new community among game lovers around the globe. We hope this project will rapidly rise with new tactics and methodologies that we going to use. Language and the facts are created for every audience which interested in gaming.


K.A. Sam

As a professional gamer during few years & person who really enthusiastic about gaming, I was worked on game development projects for mobile and pc, participating and judging local e – sports tournaments I have gathered decent amount experience for maintaining this kind of website & community. Since this started we are gradually improving and expecting to expand our team. So more content writers will join us near future.


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