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Have you ever experienced discomfort after playing few minutes?



Motion sickness is a frequent ailment that develops when the brain gets conflicting motion and balance cues from various body components. Motion sickness symptoms include nausea, vertigo, perspiration, and vomiting. All ages enjoy playing video games, but some players may have motion sickness as a result. The visual and sensory stimulation that takes place when playing video games is the primary factor contributing to motion sickness. The visual cues on the screen can give the player’s character in the game a sensation of mobility that is sometimes not reflected in their own body motions. Motion sickness may result from this mismatch.

Didn’t understand the content above, don’t worry this is a simplified version. Motion sickness is a kind of an issue that occur to some people in various situations, such as gaming. And here we are going to do some discuss about the facts why some video games trigger motion sickness and what can be done to mitigate your discomfort. The human body senses movement of two different types, what our eyes see and what the body feels.

When these two signals correlate and send the same message to the brain, everything is good. But problems arise when these two signals do not correlate and they tell the brain different things. Either the eyes see movement or the body doesn’t feel it, or vice versa.

Not all video games make people sick, but some make them after playing only 10 minutes. The main reason to have motion sickness while playing a video games is because a very tight field of view. This discrepancy between what the body feels and what the eyes see is what triggers motion sickness. How much of the video game world you see at a time is called field of view basically range that can cover by players eyes in a single moment, and when you have a wide field of view, you don’t need to move around as much because you see everything you need to. When you have a tight FOV you need to rotate your aim almost in 360 degrees angle in order to see all of your enemies, checkpoints, and surroundings. Although mostly motion sickness can be caused by a tight field of view in shooter games, it can also be caused by playing classic games like Half Life 2 or Portal. To avoid motion sickness, it is important to turn on a light in your room up to some extent, stand back from the monitor, move less, and don’t rapidly jerk your mouse around. But as a best practice to overcome from motion sickness while you’re playing is, try to play the game when you get sick, stop and restart when you feel better. It means getting some intervals during the gameplay. Doing this enough will get your brain used to the feeling in the particular situation and should get rid of the motion sickness.

Depending on the player’s sensitivity to motion, certain types of games might make them queasy. These games frequently contain fast movements, abrupt turns, and shifts in viewpoint that can throw the player off balance and make them queasy. These are some detailed suggestions for mitigate motion sickness issues.

Adjust your gaming setup

Should gaming environment is well-lit? Yes, and ensure your distance from the screen is comfortable. In order to reduce eye strain, adjusting the brightness and contrast settings on your desktop is crucial.

Take breaks

While playing video games, taking regular pauses might help lower the chance of motion sickness. Take little intervals after every 20 to 30 minutes. Do some stretching or deep breathing techniques during your break to unwind.

Use motion sickness remedies

Some medications are available to get rid of motion sickness symptoms. For instance, ginger pills can aid in lowering nausea and vomiting. Before playing games, you may also use acupressure bracelets or take motion sickness medicine.

Although these methods might lessen the effects of motion sickness when playing video games, professional gamers who experience motion sickness might require a longer-term remedy. Here are some pointers for permanently overcoming motion sickness.

Gradual exposure

It may be beneficial for professional gamers who get motion sickness to progressively expose themselves to games that make them feel that way. Increase the length of your gaming sessions progressively as you begin by playing for little amounts of time. Over time, this may help your body become less sensitive to the motion and lessen your symptoms.

Physical therapy

Motion sickness can be effectively treated with physical therapy. You may enhance your balance and lessen your sensitivity to motion by using exercises and motions that a physical therapist can help you create.


By correct guidelines of a doctor which specialized in this area you can have a help. Following necessary prescription and treatments will help you with the long term.

In conclusion, motion sickness can be really uncomfortable and frustrating experience for gamers.  If you have some symptoms while playing games above facts will help you to overcome with situation.

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