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How to Master First Person Shooting: A Beginner’s Guide

call of duty world-war 2


Over decades First person shooting game genre got a significant improvement and they continue to be the best choice among people. Quick decision-making, fast reflexes and working with a game plan are key points in FPS games. Anyone who need to master these genre games need to have a combination of skill, knowledge and practice. These tips and tricks will come handy to improve your first person shooting skills and become a badass of it.

Master the Basics

The universal rule called “learn the basics before doing” is also applies here. Before you starting to play online matches, it’s compulsory to know the basics of the game plan which include movements, special movements, to aim correctly, shooting, reloading, and switching weapons. Lots of games provide their own tutorials or some training yard, so spend some time in the tutorial or practice mode to familiarize yourself with these basics. Map reading ability is essential, after you got the clear idea about the special symbols in the map, moving around the area will be easy. Also how to make a distraction, performing unpredictable movements, how to aim accurately, and how to use covers effectively are super useful.

Choose the Right Sensitivity

Quick & sharpness to your character’s view reacts in order to response the movements of the mouse or controller are differs from one gamer to another. Some players prefer high sensitivity for aiming to increase their speed, but some players are continuously struggling with their accuracy due to high mouse sensitivity. It’s better to play some practice matches with different sensitivity and choose which sensitivity level is fits you better. If the sensitivity is too high, it can be challenging to aim accurately. On the other hand, if the sensitivity is too low, it can be challenging to turn quickly to face an enemy.

Knowing the Map

Having complete understanding about the map is the most critical aspect of FPS gameplay. Where to expect enemies, perfect covering spots and what are the ground advantages that can get from a particular area can make a significant difference in your performance. More and more you play the idea about the all maps inside the game will gradually increase like where the spawn points? Where the objectives? And locations of heavy weapons.

Learn the Weapons

Each FPS game has its own set of weapons, idea about the effective using of each weapon is crucial. Don’t reluctant to consume time in the practice mode to do your home works to experiment with different weapons to understand their strengths and shortcomings. Choosing correct weapon is important because some people are good with sniping and some people don’t.  Gamers who good with distance and line of sight should use rifles that have sniping capability. If distance targeting is not your strength sniper rifles are not for you, try something like light machine guns. Ability to control the recoil of the weapons, decision making about reload the weapon or switching to another according to the situation and how to switch between weapons efficiently will super beneficial. Choose a weapon that suits your play style and practice using it until you became a lethal performer.

Practicing Continuously

There is no other choice than practicing when it comes to mastering FPS games. Make yourself a plan, as an example how many kill or spawn count that you expecting in a particular death match. Concern about the areas which you have lack of skills and want to improve more (accuracy, movement or positioning). Record your gameplay and watch it later to identify areas that need improvements. Practicing in different game modes, against different opponents on various maps will develop your skills further.

Watch and Learn from Others

One of the best ways to improve your First person shooting gameplay is by watching and learning from pros. Watch videos of professional players, streamers or YouTube content creators playing the game. Pay attention to their tactics, strategies and techniques. Try to understand how they move around the map, how they aim with covering. After analyzing add some identified plus points to your gameplay as well.

Also watch this guide,

Play With a Team

Many FPS games have team-based modes, where players work together to achieve objectives or defeat the opposing team. Playing with a team can be an excellent way to improve your gameplay, as you can learn from your teammates and work together to achieve primary objective. Communicate with your team, share information, and coordinate your actions to maximize your effectiveness. Very important to mention, don’t panic play at your own pace and don’t try and play faster than you are capable of.

Don’t place so fast that you’re no longer even hitting basic shots. If you’re a veteran you might not get a lot from these tips but its good practice to brush up on the fundamentals. Spraying around corners is something you can see all the time with fresh players. Be aware of what the baits are and what moves or surroundings that lock up your ability to fire at the enemy. Smart positioning can overcome poor accuracy so a lot of times new players will be discouraged the thing I just don’t have the accuracy to take down opponents right now within this distance. Also it’s not wise idea to push directly at an enemy in a gun fight because opponent doesn’t have to move their cross hairs much to shoot you. Making sure that you’re moving left and right in an unpredictable pattern. A good way to catch your own shortcomings is recording your gameplay and watching it back. Aim to where you think the opponent will be, not the floor. Don’t charge enemies in a straight line and remember to keep your cross hairs aimed. If you spend around 30 minutes doing exercises and 1 hour to a death match each day, you’ll improve.

In conclusion, mastering FPS games requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and practice. By mastering the basics, choosing the right sensitivity, knowing the maps, learning the weapons, practicing, watching and learning from others and playing with a team will make you a decent first person shooter.

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